Ping Pong Restaurants - AJT DimSum Ltd Pets/Asssistance Dogs Policy


Pets/Assistance Dogs


• Ping Pong restaurants do not accommodate guests with pets and in general are not pet friendly environments.

• Exception to this are Guide Dogs for customers that are visually impaired.

• Customers that wish to be accompanied by Assistance/Support Dogs* can only do so where the dog has had required training**, they will have to make a booking at least 24 hours in advance clearly noting on the booking that they will be coming in with an Assistance/Support dog. This will provide the restaurant adequate time to take reasonable steps to ensure minimal or no contact with the dog for our other customers or staff with allergies or phobias.

As our restaurants are not pet friendly, we do not provide drinking bowls and will require that any feeding or drinking are provided to Assistance/Support dog off-site as to avoid water or food litter on the floor.

If Assistance/Support dog fouls, we will expect the owner to clean up after them to satisfactorily hygiene requirements.

* Assistance/Support dogs help disabled people with day-to-day activities that many people take for granted. They receive regular veterinary treatments and are tested on a regular basis to make sure they don’t present a health risk.

** Will not wander freely around the premises; will sit or lie quietly on the floor next to their owner; are unlikely to foul in a public place – will not seat on seats/benches